Creeping up on a new decade we are facing, as with any new technological advancement, another disrupter known as low code BPM technologies. The word disrupter may sound a like a bad thing but I assure you, I mean “disrupter” in the sense we should all adopt and appreciate that we now have the ability to become a developer. 

It is not crazy to believe that we as “citizen developers” can run processes, create processes, and change things quicker than ever, just look at the newer generations. They are not only demanding things be fast, accurate, and easy but they do not understand anything different. This automated, voice controlled, buy with one click generation is accustomed to businesses providing their products and services in this fashion. Staying modern is the utmost important for any business to stay competitive.

Buying software has always been accompanied by hiring specialists (if not in-house) to integrate and automate certain processes. The challenge now is with the abundance of business apps and the demand for IT help just simply is being overtaken. This is where low code can alleviate that need for coding. It can speed up the process of automating tasks by letting users visually create them using drag and drop components. Imagine everyone from HR, sales, to marketing professionals can develop their own processes at work.

Everyone can agree that manual efforts have a higher risk for failures, human error, and operational inefficiencies. The point of low code is not a “free-for-all” where citizen developers create their own tasks and there is no communication; that is NOT what we are trying to accomplish here. There is an answer on how to succeed with low code as stated here from an article Low code/No Code Development Heats up, “Our position on citizen development is that they should be free to build the apps that they want to build. [However,] there needs to be a community of these citizen developers that shares knowledge, that shares what’s already built, that helps citizen developers support one another, that helps in applying some level of self-governance so all these things don’t fall back into IT’s lap,” said Gartner’s Wong. “Set up the citizen development environment and the policies in such a way that provides citizen developers with freedom once they get the basic training.” Source:

“Just as smart phones enabled everyone to become a photographer, low code/no code is enabling everyone to be a developer. This is often referred to as the “Citizen Developer”. Enabling employees to be more technical and solve specific problems pertaining directly to them will speed up processes. We want to motivate people to solve their own problems and IT just happens to be a big one. If we give them the right tools it will not seem unobtainable as the scary thought of “application coding” probably has been in the past. I see this as a huge transformation for a lot of companies and one that will show positive results in years to come.”–Brynn Tornabene, CEO TIMIT Solutions

There are pros and cons to every new venture we “take on” including the topic of automation, low code, and AI (which is a whole other blog post) but how we incorporate these new(er) and yet practically required trends are pivotal as business owners. The way consumers buy things will forever rely on technology. Are you going to speed up or die-off?

Start to compare platforms out there to support this development movement. Take the Creatio platform for instance; leading and being a disrupter in this space (in a good way).