While ice-fishing with our Husky Bella I noticed a man using a very different process to check the bait on his tip-ups. TIMIT works with its customers toPicture of a Husky Dog with orange coat on frozen lake help them make their business more efficient by streamlining process steps and leveraging technology. This speeds up the process, adds value by saving time and money, and accelerates sales. So what does a process to check tip-ups have to do with business? It provides an example of how focusing on value enriches process outcomes.

Checking the bait on tip-ups is a simple process of carrying a bait bucket around to each tip-up, pulling in the line far enough to see if the minnow (bait) is still swimming (alive) and changing it if not. Since it can be cold and time-consuming it helps to complete the process as quickly as possible. You simply want to get it done to return to your warm shanty. Yet I noticed a man taking his chair with him as he checked his tip-ups. His process was not fixated on getting the process done, but on adding value to the process. He would position his chair near a tip-up so the sun shined on his face. He would sit there and observe the line that protruded through the hole (in the ice) and watch for signs of movement. If he saw movement he knew the minnow was alive. Furthermore, he could avoid the trauma of pulling the minnow to the surface and the time it takes to slowly raise and then lower the minnow back down. If he saw no movement only then would he raise the minnow to check it. Then he would sit for a few minutes to enjoy the day before he moved on to the next one.

So again, what does this have to do with a business process? Three things exactly. The process value. Streamlining the process. And how technology can further efficiency.

Image of circular process showing where intrinsic value can be addedThis man added value to his process. Rather than be rushed he introduced enjoyment into the process. What do you think would happen if your employees found more enjoyment in your business processes? And think of how this will transfer to your customer’s experience.

This man streamlined the steps by removing the most time-consuming, and uncomfortable (you need to remove your thick warm gloves to handle the thin leader line when pulling up the bait) elements of the process. A short time of observing often eliminates the need for this step altogether. He took the time instead to sit and enjoy the moment (with his warm gloves staying on).

Technology in the form of a portable fish-finder may enable further efficiency without removing the value. Portable fish-finders are light and can easily show you if your minnow is moving far below the ice surface. It provides more accuracy as to the liveliness of your minnow in just a few seconds. Hence you create more time to sit and enjoy the moment.


In summary, everyday life, as this example shows, can suggest ways to improve your business processes. You can be efficient and add value at the same time. And your employees can find more enjoyment in the process. Furthermore, this will certainly transfer for a better experience for your customers.

If you would like some help to make your business processes more efficient schedule some time on my calendar here: https://calendly.com/tim_montgomery/30-minute-free-business-application-consultation