Getting back to work after some time off for vacation, or a normal seasonal plant shutdown is something business leaders understand. The COVID-19 shutdown calls for a new playbook the details of which there will likely be a Harvard Business Review case study or two. For now let’s consider two main chapters of this new playbook. They include how to get your people back to work safely, and what changes to your business strategy and business model need to be considered. These play hand in hand with getting your business revenue engine restarted.

There have been several good ideas on how to get people back to work safely. At some level they all include Coronavirus Testing as a critical process step. In the US the states are in charge of determining the level of testing and how it gets done, so your business needs to pay attention to what your state prescribes. Aside from testing, you as a business owner or executive need to call the shots; while adhering to any mandatory protocols set by the local, state or federal government. Ideas include what you may expect in terms of asking people if they have had symptoms, travelled recently, or been with people infected with the coronavirus. Designing an effective back to work process that avoids creating a spike in COVID-19 cases involves both process and technology.


From a process perspective there are two components

WHAT needs to be done HOW it needs to be done
Get information on symptoms from individuals Collect every day without personal interactions
Share information with business and agencies Digitally, automatically, intelligently and securely
Conduct temperature screenings At site, robotically or adhering to social distancing
Manage separation of work and workers Proactively, and with automated workflows
Report and submit data to agencies Digitally, automatically, intelligently, and securely
Follow up with people, business, and agencies Digitally with intelligent workflow

From a process technology perspective, the following are critical

  • Secure, encrypted point-point transactions
  • Simple Process Design with Intelligent workflows
  • Simple desktop, tablet, and mobile user interfaces
  • Low/No code platform flexibility, adaptability, and strength of capabilities
  • Multi-level access control with robust admin dashboard
  • Open Application Program Interface (API) to connect with external sources

The process side of this can be written on the back of a napkin (if you can find one), but implementing it takes a little more work. If you plan to stay with the napkin metaphor a clipboard with paper questionnaires and a pen could be used at the job site for people to fill out when they show up. But I’ll bet you see the issue with the “how” in this process.

From a technology approach you could develop a custom app to have ready in as early as a few weeks, or months. But I will bet you see the problem with the “how” in the approach.

So, what can you do? You got it. Find an application that was designed because of COVID-19 and the need to get businesses back to work – Safely. You have enough on your plate, and to worry about, to take on another project that is not the core of what your business does. You want an application that can be put in place in days, not weeks, and certainly not months! We have one ready to fire up if you’d like to see a demo? Check out our website at

The second part of getting your business “back to work” is to take a look at your business strategy and business model. This is so critical in light of what businesses have been through and the changes that may stick round or become the fabric of our “new normal”. In this regard I will share the words of a TIMIT NYS Certified WBE business partner who works with forward-thinking leaders to develop their strategic business plans.

“Now, more than ever, innovative businesses are reshaping their business models to meet the needs of this changing landscape. Look forward at the unique opportunities that lie ahead. Define and address short term priorities in conjunction with looking at the longer term vision and goals. It’s a perfect time to analyze what has and has not been working in your organization (strategy, people, marketing, etc.) and make the creative changes that will allow you to succeed in this new climate.” — Catharine Potvin, CEO Stragility.

Get in touch with Stragility at to see what the new world of work looks like for you, your team and your clients and to make adjustments to your business strategy and model.

In summary, getting your business back to work involves getting people back to work safely and considering changes to your business strategy and model. It is important to take advantage of expert help in both cases so you avoid costly false starts that can immediately impact your people and your business longer term. Help is available that lets you focus on your core business and getting your revenue engine restarted. You just need to reach out for that help.