I’ve often heard it takes two in reference to a lot of different things. Well I thought I’d share with you today two things that really seem to matter each and every day. It’s the attitude you bring yourself and the attitude of those who you meet. While connecting in...

AUTOMATION is a double-edged sword

Is there an ad nowadays that can live without using the vowels A & I? Let’s limit this topic to “A” and not include any artificial ingredients! When it comes to running your business efficiently you naturally want to streamline operations to be more responsive to...

Value of Compliance

When it comes to IT compliance the discussion often moves to security compliance. That’s important for your business but not your only significant compliance risk. What if you are committed to being the most dependable manufacturer of apparel, accessories, and...

Discovery worth IT?

There’s a lot to be said for Nike’s “Just Do It!” (no IT pun intended here), but when it comes to IT jumping to code may not be the best approach. Just as embarking on a journey to a new land involves “discovery”, you need to do the same to increase the odds you’ll...

Build versus Buy?

The age-old decision between build it or buy it has been the source of great due diligence and resulted in numerous models that argue one or the other. Similar is the decision to hire or contract for talent. My earlier blog on “Bubble Capacity” supports the argument...