How MVB and Microsourcing can get and keep your business going

When Eric Ries introduced the concept of a Minimal Viable Product (MVP) we learned how new product introduction could be done with lower costs and risk. Quickly launch a product with minimal features and react to the market response before investing a lot of money. With the sh** storm 2020 ushered in, your business needed more than this – a model to keep above water, let alone prospects for growth.

A Target with a windshield wiper clearing away the blur of water

Focusing on your core business keeps you doing what you do best and reminds you why you are in business. COVID injected a dose of adrenaline in many of us to get a better focus on our core and to do it fast! During the early stages of the pandemic, and even now, the concepts of Minimal Viable Business (MVB) and Microsourcing have helped businesses get lean – focus on what they must do for their customers and find effective ways to get other stuff done by those who do it best.

Applying these models, or concepts, will help your business better

– Control Costs

– Manage risks

– Maintain a skilled workforce, and

– React to violent market swings

These are critical during a pandemic or emergency but also needed to accelerate your business while maintaining a healthy balance sheet and getting the talent you need even during scarcity. Once you have the right model decided, applying the right technology to make it all run and effectively scale your business is easier to understand.

Customers find it helpful to have a discussion about what their business is facing and get some outside-in views of what their best approach may be. If it is worth 30 minutes of your time schedule a call with us now.